Saturday, December 29, 2007


Have you ever wondered about relaxing in Web2.0? Yes?
Well, just go to the relaxing area (text in German) in Web2.0.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Science Blogs

Will you remember 2007 as the year Open Access Publishing arrived?

Explore the top science stories of the past year in Science Blogs.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Digital Footprints

Internet users are becoming more aware of their digital footprints states a new study by Pew Internet & American Life Project . But most of them are not concerned about the amount of personal data available online.

And of course this raises questions such as: how much of personal data should be available online? Do we need total individual transparency for digitally managing our indentities? Which measures can be taken to avoid open access to our personal data?

More information (in German) at

Friday, December 07, 2007

Critical study on Google

Hermann Maurer carried out a study (PDF, 1.33 GB) on dangers and opportunities posed by large search engines, particularly Google. There is more (in German) at

I'm very happy ... well, I have to say proud for succeding to get an interview with Hermann Maurer for my PhD thesis (dissertation).

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

The rise of the implicit

Listen to the Defrag talk on the implicit by David Weinberger. He is the author of various "fantastic and outstanding" books focusing on the way the Internet is changing knowledge acquisition, communication, human relations and society.

Monday, December 03, 2007

Why are blogs such a big deal?

The following video, a commoncraft product, is a response to the previously asked question.